Junior Sailing Registrations Are Open-Hurry As Classes Are Filling Up!
Junior Sailing Registrations Are Open-Hurry As Classes Are Filling Up!
Signed in as:
Because we are a sailing club, a requirement for membership is a registered sailboat on Pleasant Bay.
Sailing on Pleasant Bay on Cape Cod is a true joy for any sailor. The Bay is surrounded by beautiful rolling hills, pristine sandy beaches and clear blue waters. As you set sail, the feeling of freedom and adventure takes over and the sound of the water gently lapping against the hull is all you hear. The Bay offers a perfect balance of challenge and calm, with occasional gusts of wind to keep things exciting. Whether you're an experienced sailor or a beginner, the breathtaking views and wildlife make it an unforgettable experience. The joys of sailing on Pleasant Bay are truly limitless and it's the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Namequoit Sailing Association (NSA) is first and foremost a friendly, low key, family oriented sailing club. We teach sailing and promote the enjoyment of being on the waters of Pleasant Bay. The majority of our members live or summer in the towns of Orleans, Chatham, Harwich, Brewster and Eastham.
The original handful of family members did a lot to get us to where we are today; we have a comfortable clubhouse with a deck overlooking Frost Fish Cove, dock facilities, a well respected sailing school, an active racing schedule and a year round slate of activities.
A summer, weekend racing series is open to all Family and Associate members. Everyone, regardless of skill, is encouraged to participate, including the Youth Sailors.
We are a non-profit organization where Family Membership is limited to 60 families. An Associate Membership is available for those who no longer have a boat, as well as for those who just want to participate in the adult racing program. A Flag Membership category is also available to members who are no longer active sailors, but want to continue to enjoy the friendships they have forged over the years. Family Members can hold offices and vote; Associate and Flag members may not.
Because we are a small family organization, members are expected to find a comfortable level of participation in the overall activities that contribute to the administration and the well-being of NSA. To keep expenses low and, in the spirt of the non-profit volunteer organization, we have well organized maintenance work parties in the spring and fall - coffee and donuts provided!!!
We not only enjoy camaraderie on the water, but on land as well. We have friendly Cook-In’s (potluck gatherings) throughout the winter and monthly club gatherings in June through September, including our traditional Lobster Bake. We also schedule group cruises which sail to an island for snacks and beverages and/or a lunch at the Wequassett Inn on Pleasant Bay!
The Capital Fund was initiated in 2013 in conjunction with a rolling 5-year Capital Plan to provide for anticipated and unanticipated capital needs as they arise. It is vitally important to keep our equipment upgraded, repaired, competitive and, above all, safe for our students and instructors.
Contributions since 2013 by both members and friends/relatives of members have enabled us to acquire 21 sailboats and two Boston Whalers, re-power three other Whalers, and make many improvements in and around our clubhouse and on the water. While there will always be capital needs, we are well prepared to operate a top-tier junior sailing program.
Donations are always welcomed, and can be mailed to P.O. Box 1851, Orleans, MA 02653.
Our current board members are:
Family Membership is limited to 60 Family Members. Because we are a sailing club, a requirement for membership is a registered sailboat on Pleasant Bay. As well as the ability to participate in the summer racing program and all social activities, Family Membership offers voting rights in the club, and the opportunity to hold a position on the Board. Family Membership is $325 for the season. Family members with boats moored in Frosh Fish Cove with club dinghy access are charged an additional $100.
Our Associate Membership provides sailors with the opportunity to participate in our racing program and social events. If you are waiting for Family Membership or if you just want to join us in the Summer Racing Program, Associate Membership may be just the thing for you. Associate membership fee is $225 for the season.
This membership applies only to long time NSA family members that have decided that a Family membership no longer fits their needs but still enjoy being closely connected to the club and its members. Flag members have no vote, do not race and no longer keep a boat at the club facilities. They do participate in social activities. Annual Flag Membership fee is $125.
Be recognized at the Clubhouse as a 'player' in your NSA gear!
Namequoit Sailing does not profit in any way from the purchase of any gear represented in our on-line store. The supplier was chosen for both its high-quality merchandise and excellent direct to the consumer service. We are delighted to have our ‘brand’ so well represented.
Play it smart and impress your dermatologist at your next check-up
Enjoy flaunting your NSA membership everywhere you go...summer & winter.
Namequoit Sailing Association, Inc.
MAIL TO: P.O. Box 1851, Orleans, MA 02653 LOCATION: 71 Keziah's Lane, Orleans, MA 02653
Copyright © 2025 Namequoit Sailing Association - All Rights Reserved-
NSA is a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit organization EIN 06-0803110
Photos K.Grunes, D. Quincy, J. Laurino, H. Kelsey
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